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8. The Exorcism of St. Anthony

Episode 8

St. Anthony is depicted on the holymost panel of the Isenheim Altarpiece battling demons. His extraordinary life is a gift not just to those of his time, but to many more future sufferers. Through the spiritual technology of Grunewald's Isenheim, we are invited to witness this other world swirling within our own.

We close with a poem by Rilke and a guitar meditation from Jack. This is our third of four episodes on the Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grunewald. One of our goals is to rehabilitate the ancient way of participating in reality through long and steady contemplation. In doing so, we hope your own spiritual sensorium is becoming re-tuned to the world around you.



-The painting represents Saint Anthony's role in spiritual warfare and his ongoing presence in the hospital.
-The connections between the panels in the altarpiece and the metaphysical aspects of the painting are explored.
-The hierarchy and order of the panels in the altarpiece challenge traditional expectations and reflect the reversal of the kingdom of God. The hidden panel of the Isenheim Altarpiece features St. Anthony fighting demons and is only open on specific feast days.
-The painting is contemplative and slow, offering a different experience than movies or screens.
-The ambiguous expression on Anthony's face suggests a mix of suffering and joy, as he recognizes the weakness of the demons and the power of Christ's crucifixion.
-The painting invites viewers to consider their own suffering and the endurance required to face it. Facing one's demons and embracing one's human nature is important for personal growth and spiritual development.
-The concept of the tourniquet represents the idea of denying one's nature and cutting oneself off from who they are.
-Anthony's approach of taking off the tourniquet and facing his demons is seen as a healthier and more transformative way of dealing with inner struggles.
-There is a tension between modern psychology and the spiritual battle that individuals face.
-Personal experiences of spiritual warfare can be difficult to articulate and understand, but they point to a reality beyond.


Introduction and Prayer
Exploring the Painting of Saint Anthony and the Demons
Saint Anthony's Role in Spiritual Warfare
Contemplation and Slow Experience
The Ambiguous Expression of St. Anthony
Facing Suffering and Endurance
The Tension Between Modern Psychology and Spiritual Battle
The Color of Dust
The Color of Dust
Exploring the seen and unseen in the soil of art and agriculture with Jack Baumgartner, Seth Wieck, and Sam Kee.